الأحد، 17 نوفمبر 2019

The Rhyme Game ,English worksheets

The Rhyme Game
by Guy Belleranti

Bella and James sat on the grass.
“Let’s play the rhyme game,” Bella
said. “First, you say a word. Then, I’ll say a
word that rhymes.”
James nodded. “Truck,” he said.
“Duck,” Bella rhymed.
“House,” James said.
“Mouse,” Bella rhymed.
“Dog,” James said.
“Frog,” Bella rhymed.
“Can I do the rhyming now?” James asked.
“Yes,” Bella said.
“Dress,” James rhymed.
Bella laughed. “Wait. Yes wasn’t my word. Here it is now.”
“Cow,” James rhymed.
“No,” Bella said, laughing harder. “No, no, no.”
“Go.” James rhymed. “Go, go, go.”
Bella laughed so hard she rolled on the grass.
James rolled next to her. Rhyming was fun!
Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com
 1. Where does this story take place?
 a. on a sunny day b. outside
 c. at the beach d. in the morning
 2. Whose idea was it to
play the rhyme game? ____________________
 3. What word did Bella rhyme with dog?
 a. hog b. fog
 c. go d. frog
 4. Why did Bella keep laughing at James' rhymes?

   1. Where does this story take place? b a. on a sunny day b. outside c. at the beach d. in the morning
 2. Whose idea was it to play the rhyme game? Bella's 
 3. What word did Bella rhyme with dog? d a. hog b. fog c. go d. frog 
 4. Why did Bella keep laughing at James' rhymes? 
 James kept rhyming words that she didn't intend for him to rhyme.

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