الأحد، 17 نوفمبر 2019

Rock Band, English , worksheets

Rock Band

 “Let’s make a rock band,” said Beth.
 “Great,” said Rob. “I can play the
drums.” He hit the drums. Rat a tat tat.
 Kim smiled. “I will play the guitar.” Strum
 Jim picked up a keyboard. He pushed the keys. “Cool, I
will play this.” Ting, ting, tong.
 Bill started to sing. La, la, la.
 Beth looked around. “What should I play?” She dug in a
 She pulled out a big bell. “Look a cowbell.” Bang,
bang, bong.
 “Let’s rock!”
 They played and sang all night long.

1. Who is this?
 a. Beth b. Kim
c. Jim d. Rob
2. Who is this?
 a. Beth b. Kim
c. Jim d. Rob
3. What does Beth play?
4. Who is the singer?

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________
3. ____________________ 4. ____________________
5. ____________________
What is Beth's problem?
How was her problem solved?

1. Who is this? b
 a. Beth b. Kim
c. Jim d. Rob
2. Who is this? d
 a. Beth b. Kim
c. Jim d. Rob
3. What does Beth play?
4. Who is the singer?

1. Beth 2. Rob
3. Kim 4. Jim
5. Bill
What is Beth's problem?
Beth does not know what to play.
How was her problem solved?
Beth finds a cowbell in the box.

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