الأحد، 17 نوفمبر 2019

Carly's Family ,Reading Comprehension Assessment

• Reading Comprehension Assessment
Directions: Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Carly's Family
 Carly has a large family.
She lives with four people.
Carly also has two pets.
 Carly’s mom is a doctor. Carly’s mom works
at the hospital. Carly’s mom helps people who
are sick.
 Carly’s dad works at home. Carly’s dad
cooks for the family. Carly’s dad drives the kids
to soccer practice.
 Carly has two brothers. James is ten years
old. Scott is fourteen years old.
 Carly has two pets. Jinx is a small, black cat.
Diego is a large, brown dog.
 Carly loves her family!

1) How many people are in Carly's family?
A. four
B. five
C. six
2) Carly's mom works at the
A. restaurant
B. mall
C. hospital
3) This passage is mostly about Carly's
A. family
B. pets
C. soccer team
4) Which of the following is most likely true?
A. Carly's mom coaches the soccer team.
B. James is the best soccer player in the
C. Jinx and Diego are part of Carly's family.
5) The oldest brother in Carly's family is
A. James
B. Scott
C. Diego
6) How is your family the same as Carly's family? How is it different? Explain.

Answers and Explanations 
1) B
Question Type: Inference
At the beginning of the passage, the author writes, “Carly has a large family. She lives with four people.” If Carly is a person, and
she lives with four people, we can tell that there must be five people in Carly’s family. This means (B) is correct. The passage does
not provide information to support choices (A) or (C). Therefore they are incorrect.
2) C
Question Type: Detail
In paragraph 2, the author writes, “Carly’s mom works at the hospital.” This lets us know that Carly’s mom works at the hospital.
Therefore (C) is correct. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A) or (B). This means they are incorrect.
3) A
Question Type: Global
At the beginning of the passage, the author writes, “Carly has a large family.” After this, the author describes the people and pets in
Carly’s family. Using this information, we can tell that this passage is mostly about Carly’s family. Therefore (A) is correct. The
passage mentions Carly’s pets, Jinx and Diego. They are a part of Carly’s family. The author spends more time writing about Carly’s
family in general. Using this information, we can tell that this passage is not mostly about Carly’s pets. This means (B) is incorrect.
In paragraph 3, the author mentions that the kids go to soccer practice. This is only one detail in the passage. The author spends
more time writing about Carly’s family in general. Using this information, we can tell that this passage is not mostly about Carly’s
soccer team. Therefore (C)is incorrect.
4) C
Question Type: Inference
At the end of the passage, the author writes, “Carly has two pets. Jinx is a small, black cat. Diego is a large, brown dog.” Right after
this, the author writes, “Carly loves her family!” Because the author mentions Carly loving her family right after Jinx and Diego are
described, we can tell it is most like true that Jinx and Diego are part of Carly’s family. This means (C) is correct. The passage does
not provide information to support choices (A) or (B). Therefore they are incorrect.
5) B
Question Type: Detail
In paragraph 4, the author writes, “Carly has two brothers. James is ten years old. Scott is fourteen years old.” If James is ten and
Scott is fourteen, we can tell that the oldest brother is Scott. This means (B) is correct. James is younger than Scott. Diego is a dog.
Thus, the passage does not provide information to support choices (A) or (C), and they are incorrect.

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