الخميس، 9 أبريل 2020



Q1. Fill ups:
1. ------------ compete with main crops for nutrients.
2. Grains are separated from harvested crops by using ----------- ---------
3. Excess water in the fields may cause a condition called ---------- .
4. ---------- bacteria lies in the root nodules of leguminous plants helps in fixing of atmospheric nitrogen.
5. Bulk storage of grains is done in ----------- & ------------- .
6. The produced crop is stored in different containers, after being sundried, to prevent the attack of  ----------- .

Q2. Name the following:
1. Equipment used to level the tilled land. ----------------------
2. Process of leaving the land uncultivated for one or more seasons. ---------------------
3. Management & care of domestic animals.---------------------
4. Man made chemical substance rich in inorganic nutrients.---------------------
5. Separation of grain from its chaff or husk after threshing with the help of wind. --------------------
6. An agricultural implement used to sow seeds. ---------------------
7. The process of removing weeds from the field. ---------------------
8. Organisms which cause damage to the crops & make them unfit for human consumption.---------------------  

Q3. Match the following:

1. Harvesting         (a) Rabi
2. Wheat              (b) Fertilizer
3. Grass            © Agricultural implement
4. Irrigation          (d) Sickle
5. Urea                 (e) Weed
6. Plough                      (f) Drip system

Q4. Choose the correct option:

1. Which of the following is/are post harvesting technique(s)?
(a) Winnowing (c) Storage of food grains
(b) Threshing (d) All of these

2. NPK fertilizers contains
(a) Nitrogen ,Potassium & Calcium (c) Nitrogen, Phosphorus& Potassium
(b) Nitrogen, Potassium & Phosphorus (d) Nitrogen, Phosphorus &Keratin

3. Manual removal of weeds is done by:

(a) Trowel (c) Insects
(b) Weedicides (d) Tilling

4. Major source of water in fields is:
(a) River (c) Ponds
(b) Tube wells (d) Rainfall

 Q5. What is crop rotation?

Q6. Why organic manure is considered better than chemical fertilizer?

Q7. What precautions should be taken care while storing harvested grains? 

Q8. List some advantages of preparing soil.

Q9. A farmer was using lot of fertilizers for the improvement of his produce from the field.
List any two harmful effects of fertilizers on environment.
How will you convince him to restrict the use of fertilizers?

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