الخميس، 9 أبريل 2020

Air and water pollution /CLASS 8 , SCIENCE WORKSHEET

Air and water pollution

1. Write full form for the following.
a) CNG ..........................
b) CFC ..........................
c) LPG ..........................
d) RRR ..........................

2. Choose the correct option -
i) Which gas is not air-pollutant.
a) Nitrogen dioxide b) Oxygen
c) Carbon monoxide d) Sulphur dioxide

ii) Which of the following is the natural source of air pollution.
a) Smoke from factories b) Pollution from automobiles
c) Wood for fuel d) Volcanic eruptions

iii) Drinking water
a) Should be clean
b) Should be odourless
c) clean, odourless and pure
d) None of the above

iv) We can reduce air pollution by
1) Plantation
2) By walking
3) By cycling
4) All of the above

3. Write names of two green - house gases
1 .....................................  2 ......................................

 . Name two gases responsible for acid rain.
1 .............................  2 ..................................

5. Mention any two causes of Air - Pollution
1) ...................................... 2)................................ 
6. Name any two causes of water - Pollution
1).................................... 2)..................................  

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