الخميس، 1 يونيو 2023

Watching Cartoons/ English worksheet

 Watching Cartoons


Carrie loved to watch cartoons on TV.

She did not like the news.

Movies were okay.

She did not like her brother’s shows.

She liked cartoons most of all.

If she got the remote, she looked for cartoons.

She had two favorite cartoon channels.

They played all of the best shows.

Her favorite cartoon was SuperMegaBob.

Bob was a normal guy.

He got super powers when he put on a green hat.

He was very funny, too.

She also liked Monkey Banana Squad.

There were four monkeys on a team.

Each wore a different color.

They were like ninja monkeys.

Her third most favorite cartoon was Ducktastic.

Three cute girl ducks were friends.

They went to school together.

They had lots of adventures.

Carrie loved to watch cartoons.

It might be on Saturday morning.

Sometimes, it was after school.

Cartoons were always fun!

Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.

1. What kind of shows does Carrie like to watch?

A. movies

B. the news

C. her brother’s shows

D. cartoons

2. Which of these IS one of Carrie’s favorite shows?

A. Captain Canada

B. Ducktastic

C. Super Babies!

D. Comet the Wonder Dog

3. Which of these is NOT one of Carrie’s favorite shows?

A. Goofy Team

B. SuperMegaBob

C. Monkey Banana Squad

D. Ducktastic

4. How many favorite channels does Carrie have?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

5. YES OR NO: Does Carrie watch cartoons after school sometimes?

A. Yes

B. No


1. What kind of shows does Carrie like to watch?

 D. cartoons

2. Which of these IS one of Carrie’s favorite shows?

 B. Ducktastic


3. Which of these is NOT one of Carrie’s favorite shows?

A. Goofy Team


4. How many favorite channels does Carrie have?

 B. 2


5. YES OR NO: Does Carrie watch cartoons after school sometimes?

A. Yes


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