الثلاثاء، 28 فبراير 2023

Storm Warning / Skill - Reading Comprehension /Answers and Explanations

 Storm Warning

Story By: Judie Eberhardt

It was like any other late summer day; 88 degrees and hot. How can the weatherman be predicting a terrible storm, thought Molly. Just then mom said, “I’ll be back soon, I need to go to the corner store to get some batteries just in case it does storm.” “Mom, do you really think we will have a storm?” “The weather is so nice.” “We need to be prepared,” said mom. “Just in case.”

Mom left and was back within an hour. It was about 6:00 p.m., and the sky began to turn a grayish brown from the full low clouds that were beginning to form. Even the wind started to pick up. Then Molly heard a loud crack of thunder. Suddenly, she saw lightning flashing, and the rain started to pound against

the windows. The trees in the yard started to sway back and forth. Some of the neighbors plants fell off the front porch. “I’m scared,” said Molly to her mother. The storm lasted for about thirty minutes, long enough to make the lights go out and the old pine tree out front topple over. Even Gretchen, the cat, was hiding under the sofa. Mom lit some candles so they could see their way around the house. “What about dinner?” asked Molly. “How can we eat if there isn’t any power?” Mom bought some cans of tuna and chicken when she went to the corner store. “I had a feeling we wouldn’t be able to cook, so I bought these cans of food and some bread.” Mom and Molly ate the tuna and bread by candle light. “You know, this is kind of fun.” “It’s almost like camping,” said Molly.

Later that night, the lights came back on, Gretchen was eating out of her bowl, and Molly was glad mom took the storm warning seriously. “Good thing you went to the store and got those batteries and cans of food,” said Molly. “Even though it was a scarey time, I did have fun.” “Me too,” said Molly’s mom. “Me too.”


Storm Warning

Story By: Judie Eberhardt Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.

1- What was the temperature the day of the storm

A. 88 degrees

B. 90 degrees

C. 75 degrees

D. 95 degrees

2- Why did mom go to the store? A To get the newspaper

B. To get gas for the car

C. To get batteries

D. To get cat food

3- Who was Gretchen

A. A neighbor

B. Molly’s friend

C. Molly’s sister

D. Molly’s cat

 4-  Around what time did the storm begin? A. 5:00

B.  5:30

C. 6:00

D.  6:30


Storm Warning – Answer Key

Story By: Judie Eberhardt Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.

1. What was the temperature the day of the storm?

A. 88 degrees

B. 90 degrees

C. 75 degrees

D. 95 degrees

2. Why did mom go to the store? A To get the newspaper

B. To get gas for the car

C. To get batteries

D. To get cat food

3. Who was Gretchen?

A. A neighbor

B. Molly’s friend

C. Molly’s sister

D. Molly’s cat

4. Around what time did the storm begin? A. 5:00

B.  5:30

C. 6:00

D.  6:30

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