الاثنين، 18 نوفمبر 2019

FIREFIGHTERS , Comprehension Worksheet

Firefighting is an important job to keep people safe and help keep fires from damaging too much property. It is a tough job, but if you like to help people, it could be the job for you!
Firefighters have to take physical tests to make sure their bodies are strong enough to do all of the work required. They have to be able to carry heavy objects, go up many flights of stairs, and work for a long time. Firefighters also go through frequent training. They need to be aware of the latest techniques in fighting fires, and keeping themselves and others safe.
Not only do they train themselves, but they also talk to other people about fire safety. Some schools have the firefighters come in every year to teach kids about how to stay safe around fire. One of the most important parts of being a firefighter is working as a team. Firefighters have to work together to stop fires, even down to holding the hose together!
Some firefighters stay at the fire station for an entire day, including overnight.
When there is not a fire going on, firefighters make sure all of their
equipment is clean and in working order.
After dinner, they are able to use their free time to relax. Firefighting is stressful, though. Firefighters never know when a fire or other emergency is going to happen, so they have to be ready at all times. This means that even if they just sat down to eat dinner when the fire alarm goes off, they can’t finish eating. They have to leave all of their food where it is and go to help right away. Even in the middle of the night, firefighters have to be able to wake up quickly to get to the emergency.
Firefighters wear special equipment to keep them safe. They wear big jackets and pants made of special materials to deter fire. Helmets are another type of protective equipment to protect their heads from falling objects. They wear face masks and oxygen tanks to help them breathe.
 even when the air is filled with smoke. Firefighters also wear boots to protect their feet from kicking objects and from the heat.
In addition to the equipment they wear, there is other equipment that firefighters use to help them do their jobs more easily. They use fire trucks and fire engines that are equipped with special tools. In the fire engines they have their tools organized so that they can quickly find and use them.
Firefighters use hoses to connect to fire hydrants so that they can get a lot of water at one time. They use axes to break down doors for quick access to a fire. Also, they may bring smaller fire extinguishers in case the fire is a small one that they don’t need a big hose for. They use ladders to reach people or animals in high places, such as second stories or trees.
Firefighters don’t just put out fires. There are also rescue trucks that can help people who are in car crashes. These vehicles have other tools to help get people out of cars if they’re stuck, such as jacks to lift the car, tools to break the windows, and other tools to help get car doors open.
In some places, firefighters also have to be prepared to help people who are sick or injured. These firefighters might be trained as paramedics.
These fire departments have ambulances that carry the firefighters and paramedics to the accident, then have all the tools to help treat the injured.
Thankfully, firefighters are close by to help us if there’s ever an emergency.
Firefighting is not easy, but if you like helping people, it might be a good fit for you!

Answer each question:
1. What are two personality traits firefighters should have to be successful?
2. Why is it important for firefighters to do physical tests?
 3. What does “frequent” mean in the 2nd paragraph? How do you know?
4. In addition to fighting house fires, what else do firefighters do?
5. Would firefighting be a good fit for you when you grow up? Why or why not?

see also :
BALLET ,Reading Comprehension Worksheet

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